Our Conductor - Christopher Barr

Christopher studied music at the University of Aberdeen, studying voice with Gillian Jack. He is currently an alumni member of The National Youth Choir of Scotland and has sung with the Edinburgh Festival Chorus on numerous occasions.

Christopher was recipient of the 2010/11 ABCD (Association of British Choral Directors) apprenticeship, where he worked with the University of Strathclyde Chamber Choir, Chorus and Symphony Orchestra. As part of the apprenticeship Christopher was invited to participate in a BBC Singers conducting master class with Paul Brough. In 2012 Christopher received the National Youth Choir of Scotland Student Conductor Bursary which allowed him to become the assistant conductor of the National Boys Choir of Scotland working under the guidance of Christopher Bell.

Conducting achievements include conducting the world premiere of Ken Johnston’s “Flodden 1513” with Stirling Schools Choirs and NYCoS Stirling Area Choir as part of the Cappella Nova Stirling 500 festival at the Church of the Holy Rude, Chorus master for Glasgow UNESCO City of Music Nicola Benedetti Secret Flashmob project, directing choral workshops for Glasgow Spring Sing and the amaSing Festival, conducting a choir of 600 primary and secondary school pupils for the Rutherglen Olympic Torch parade as part of “Keep Her Lit”, off stage conducting for Scottish Opera’s production of Gareth Williams “Elephant Angel”. In October 2014 he was assistant to Edward Rhys Harry at the London Welsh Male Voice Choir Festival of Male Voice Choirs at the Royal Albert Hall, London. Other engagements include being section leader for the BIG BIG SING BBC Proms in the Park Choir and Musical Director for the European Association of International Education Choir at the SECC.

In 2016, Christopher was awarded a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship in partnership with the Finzi Trust. During this fellowship, Christopher spent time working with the concert programming teams at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, Carnegie Hall New York, Lincoln Centre, Sydney Opera House, Sydney City Recital Hall, Arts Centre Melbourne and Recital Centre.

Christopher has participated in choral conducting master classes with Christopher Bell, Alan Tavener, Derek Clark, David Hill, Stephen Layton, Paul Brough, Roger Williams MBE and Ralph Alwood. Christopher is currently the Musical Director of Strathaven Choral Society, Bridge of Weir Choral Society and Hamilton Caledonian Bowling Club Male Voice Choir.

© 2025 Bridge of Weir Choral Society
Scottish Charity SC032451