The Choral Society started in 1948, and currently has over 50 members, with a good balance of voices, but we could still accommodate more!

We have excellent relationships with other local choirs, orchestras, bands and musicians (professional, students and amateur), and together we are always able to produce concerts that are enjoyed by our Choir, other performers and our audiences.

We have two concerts each year. Our Christmas concert consists of a range of Christmas carols and songs - some well-known, others less so. The Christmas concert includes items from other groups, such as bands or other instrumental groups. Our Spring Concert is quite different, and consists of major choral works - see the previous concerts page. For the spring concert, we sometimes join with other choirs or orchestras.

Membership of the Society is open to all: you will be made very welcome, whatever your musical experience - no audition is necessary.

Come and sing at 2 or 3 rehearsals and then decide if you wish to join us formally by paying the subscription: £150 for a full year payable in the autumn, or £75 payable in the autumn plus £75 payable in January. There is a 50% reduction for students.

Music is provided free of charge; sometimes there is an option for members to buy their own copy.

Lifts can be organised to help those without transport.

We have a tea break part way through the evening rehearsal to allow you to chat to other members.

The Choral Society is a registered charity which is run by a small committee - members are elected and serve a maximum of 3 years

© 2025 Bridge of Weir Choral Society
Scottish Charity SC032451